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Serve Where You'll Grow

We hope everyone in our Second Family will serve inside and outside our building’s walls.
There are dozens of ways to volunteer at “Home,” i.e. inside our walls, especially in the areas of music, worship, children, youth, small group leadership, and hospitality. Think of this service as pitching-in to help your Family around the house.

We’re also always finding new opportunities to serve neighbors in need in Carlisle and our brothers and sisters abroad in places like Honduras.  This is the kind of work that changes lives – both your own and the people you’re serving.

Serve Greater Carlisle

Second is committed to loving our neighbors in the community that we call home:  Greater Carlisle.  On our own and through strategic partnerships with others we are making a difference in Carlisle, South Middleton, Cumberland, Perry, and Adams Counties, and more.  Over the past ten years we have invested over $300,000 in this work.

Some of our local mission partners include:

Project SHARE

Safe Harbour

Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland and Perry Counties

Samaritan Fellowship

Community CARES


We invest dollars, volunteer hours, and leadership skills in these partners.  Our goal is to work together to improve people’s spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being.  We’ve filled and donated hundreds of health kits to local shelters, renovated 9 rooms for the local domestic violence shelter, under-written the cost of a van for Community CARES, provided masks and hand sanitizer to local neighborhoods, supported the Carlisle Emergency Response Fund and Salvation Army during the pandemic with  large donations and more.

Local Serve Opportunities

Serving the World

Sometimes the neighbor we are called to love lives in a different time zone or speaks a different language.  Second is reaching out in strategic ways to spread God’s love around the world.  Through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbytery of Carlisle, Presbyterian Church of Honduras and our mission co-workers in Honduras we have brought help and hope to thousands and thousands of people.  Our current area of focus internationally is Honduras.  Since 2005 we have built dozens of homes in rural villages in Honduras.  Our current efforts are focused on partnerships with the Presbyterian Church of Honduras.  Our goal in this work is mutual enrichment.  We use the best practices to ensure that everyone’s lives are enhanced through what we do together.

Contact Vicki Lantz, Coordinator of Adult Ministry, for more information.  Email:

Office Hours: Tuesdays 10 am - 2 pm | Other Days and Times By Appointment

Worship: Sundays 10:30 am

Mobility Issues? Our building is completely wheelchair-accessible. There are no steps to overcome.

717-243-4571 | 528 Garland Drive | Carlisle, Pa 17013 

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