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God's Got a Place for You- at Second

Even if you’ve never been inside a church before, you’ll feel at home at Second.  You’ll meet people who want to get to know you personally, wherever you are on your journey with Jesus. The Second Family is made up of forgiven sinners, including:  decorated military leaders, gay couples, divorced people, children with multiple disabilities, adoptive parents, local judges, Ph.Ds, blue-collar workers, people who grew up in the church and people who’ve been hurt badly by the church, teenagers, Senior Citizens, singles, families, and never-married-and-fine-with-that people…

You’ll find your people in the Second Family.

We want worship to be the
best hour of your week.

We design worship services with variety, intentionality, creativity, innovation and tradition in mind.  When the formal service is over, we want people to leave feeling inspired, encouraged, challenged, and hopeful. No two worship services are exactly the same.  That’s why people say, “When you miss a Sunday at Second you miss a lot!”

We teach from the Bible, sing, pray, give, and celebrate the sacraments (Baptism and the Lord’s Supper).  We also take time to connect with each other as a family before, during, and after worship.  This is all because the first Christians did centuries ago, and it transformed their lives.  This kind of worship still transforms lives—our lives.

Want to take the leap? Come any Sunday – we’ll meet you at the door.

On Sunday mornings you can count on:
Worship at 10:30 am

  • Sermons that bring the Bible to life – your life

  • An hour-long worship celebration (unless things get a little crazy and the Pastor goes long…)

  • A kid-friendly experience. We want young children to participate in every way possible. In addition to occasional special events, singing, and praying, there’s always a time just for kids during the Sermon. We also have activity bags for restless little ones. Professional childcare is provided for the 10:30 service for kids aged five and under. And our lobby has the sounds of the service piped in so that kids can run around if they need to.

  • Outstanding music led by our choirs and soloists, using a variety of instruments (incl. hand bells, piano, and our amazing pipe organ). We love music from all genres and styles (traditional to contemporary). We also sing A LOT as a congregation (just pretend you’re singing in the shower).

  • The Lord’s Supper (Communion). We celebrate this special meal on the first Sunday of each month –and everybody is welcome, even kids! If you don’t know what "communion” is all about, we’ll teach you. (Hint: It’s really cool!)

  • Bunches of friendly people gathered in our lobby before and after worship, chugging coffee, sharing news, and laughing together.

  • Lots of easily accessible parking (in fact, the whole building is fully accessible to people with physical and intellectual disabilities). Walkers, wheelchairs, and guide-dogs are all welcome!

Office Hours: Tuesdays 10 am - 2 pm | Other Days and Times By Appointment

Worship: Sundays 10:30 am

Mobility Issues? Our building is completely wheelchair-accessible. There are no steps to overcome.

717-243-4571 | 528 Garland Drive | Carlisle, Pa 17013 

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